Crystal healing has been practiced for centuries, with some of the earliest practitioners coming from China, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.

The modern crystal renaissance has brought belief in crystal healing back to the forefront of wellness culture, with crystal shops popping up in cities across the world. Crystals can be used in meditation, manifestation, yoga, and, most classically, in healing and self-care.

Our best-selling boxed product is Healing Stones – a crystal collection specially curated to offer essential properties for the healing the mind, body, and soul. This collection is perfect for the beginner crystal user or a more advanced crystal healing practitioner wanting to expand their collection with a variety of pocket-sized stones.

A deeper look into the crystals of Healing Stones:

Clear quartz is known as the universal healer – restoring and cleansing the energies of anything surrounding it. Clear quartz can refresh and cleanse the energy of other crystals, homes, and people themselves. It also amplifies the energies and properties of the crystals in proximity to it and can be programmed for many different uses. Essential in all crystal practice, clear quartz is the starting point for any crystal collection.  

Rose quartz is a love guru of sorts. This stone is the ultimate heart-opener, bringing compassion and harmony into the lives of those who welcome it. Keep rose quartz with you to heal old relationships or to help new relationships blossom, whether those are familial, friendships, or romantic relationships.

Lepidolite is not only known to be a calming and stabilizing force, but it can even assist in lifting depression and anxiety. This crystal is also known to assist in breaking habitual patterns, so allow it to help you create a fresh path for yourself. You can even put it under your pillow for a good night’s sleep!                               

Amethyst is perhaps one of the best-known crystals, packed with some of the most useful healing properties. Amethyst brings transformation and protection – both much needed when in a vulnerable healing state. It is known to strengthen connection to your higher self – welcoming inner wisdom and guidance to the healing path.

Green aventurine is useful in the healing journey, bringing abundance, growth, and joy. This helps to motivate you to continue to move forward throughout your healing process, and into a brighter future. Green aventurine also benefits plants, so let it help when your green thumb fails!

Sodalite cuts straight to the core, helping to access the truest version of yourself. This can be important after periods of depression, when it can feel daunting to “find yourself” again. It also brings logic to the table, which can help with grounding during highly emotional times.

Yellow jade has many useful properties for healing: boosting ambition, self-confidence, and prosperity. This stone encourages you to come out on top of your struggles, moving forward into a brighter and healthier future. Keep yellow jade to stay optimistic on darker days!

Orange calcite is a heart-opener, encouraging appreciation for the relationships in your life (even your relationship with yourself!). Calcite is even known to soothe physical ailments like upset stomachs, which could be helpful when experiencing bouts of anxiety.

Carnelian is a bright, confidence-boosting crystal known to help light a fire with which to achieve goals. The warmth and radiance of carnelian also assists in working through fear and sadness – a warm hug during dark times.

Dalmatian jasper is best known for its protective energies, but also assists in self-reflection. Allow dalmatian jasper to offer some security while you work through your innermost journeys. Allow it to ground and center your lower chakras to help you feel more stable in yourself and your relationships.

Tiger eye fosters grounded optimism and practicality, allowing you to look forward to your future without anxiety or overwhelming feelings. It also increases self-awareness, helping to better understand yourself during the healing process.

Black obsidian is known to offer grounding and protection– both essential properties during the healing journey. Use black obsidian as an anchor while navigating overwhelming emotions or memories. Its grounding properties will always help to bring you back to your truest, most sincere self.

Love from shoppe geo

Healing comes in many forms. You may be healing from the heavy hitters: heartbreak, childhood trauma, ancestral or past life patterns.  Sometimes you just need some healing to bounce back from professional setbacks, or to dig up a bit of self-compassion. Regardless, we hope that working with Healing Stones will help soothe your soul. Healing doesn’t happen in a day – it is a winding journey, and different tools will be successful for different people. Healing with crystals are not a replacement for professional therapy or medical care – we encourage using them in addition to recommendations from medical professionals.

We see you. We’re rooting for you. We’re sending you love and light.

resources if you or a loved one is in need of professional assistance:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


The Trevor Project


Crisis Text Line

Text “home” to 741741

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline

1-800-662-HELP (4357)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Helpline

1-800-950-NAMI (6264)

Veterans Crisis Line


BetterHelp Affordable Online Counseling

Get Started (

Healing suggestions and crystal properties given are for informational purposes only. They may be used to supplement, but not replace, sound medical advice and treatment plans.

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