seeking a fresh start

Any new moon is a time for renewal and revitalization, but a Scorpio new moon offers the chance to dig deeper.

What is holding you back from rebirth? What is standing in your way? Now is the time to search for the answers to these difficult questions and face them down at their root.

And when you do – the taste of a fresh start will be oh so sweet.

mantras for a scorpio new moon

i am unafraid of my innermost wisdom

i listen to my higher self to answer my deepest questions

i renew

i revitalize

i am reborn

i embrace each fresh start i create for myself

new moon product spotlight:

WISDOM: Cosmic Crystal Collection

Reach up to the cosmos to access wisdom and guidance from the light of your soul.

Ground the revitalizing energy into your human body through ceremony and mindfulness practices.

Enjoy the dream that is your life!

1 natural clear quartz point, 2″ L
4 polished stones, .75″-1″ each:
-1 lapis lazuli
-1 black onyx
-1 xiuyan jade
-1 rose quartz

explore Moon Shoppe products