What is a crystal grid?

At its core, a crystal grid is all about energy. Grids are formed from overlapping flat shapes (triangles, rectangles, circles, spirals, etc.) that create compound shapes and intersecting lines. The 1D lines for 2D shapes, which become 3D forms. Within the crystal grid structure, these forms become multidimensional energy fields that extend in all directions from the printed or laser-etched lines. This is what is called “sacred geometry.” Geometric patterns and synchronicities are found all throughout nature, when we create our own through crystal gridding, we tap into the powerful and all-knowing energy of the universe so manifest, cleanse, protect, or to simply touch base with our higher self.

Making a crystal grid

You don’t need anything too fancy to create a crystal grid, but we DO offer two crystal grid options: Cleanse + Elevate Crystal Grid Toolkit and The Eye of Luna Crystal Grid and Mini Crystal Bundles. You can supplement your crystals with other objects found in nature (leaves, acorns, etc.), and you can use any clear space as your grid template (a table, a open and decluttered room, even your body.)

Envision. Imagine divine white light filling your workspace, encapsulating your grid tools, and radiating from your mind and body. Use this to clear your space, tools, and self before you begin your gridwork.

Ground and open. Before creating each crystal grid, prepare yourself and your space to allow energy to flow smoothly within and around you. Take a few deep breaths, holding a grounding or cleansing crystal (onyx, obsidian, agate, smoky quartz, clear quartz, blue kyanite, etc.), and close your eyes. Imagine a cord or roots connecting your root chakra and feet to the center of the Earth. Use this pause to feel gratitude for the present moment. Sense your breath, heartbeat, and energy flowing through your body.

Set your intention. What are you asking from your crystal grid? Is it to protect or cleanse your space and energy? Is it to manifest a positive change in your life? Is it to tap into your higher self for guidance? Be clear in your intentions and expectations, and program them into your crystals and grid by holding your hands on or near them and asking them to work for the highest outcome possible.

Create your grid. Begin your grid with a crystal in its center to ground it. Follow the shapes of the sacred geometry, or simply let your intuition guide you. You can use overlapping circles to create grids for manifestation, spirals to attract abundance, or the inner eye of The Eye of Luna to access higher wisdom (see images below!) Clear quartz points are an essential energy cleanser and amplifier, so be sure to always include at least one in each grid. Use multiple to direct the flow of the energy of the grid.

Remember. You are made of stardust. You are one with the universe. You are sacred geometry. Be in harmony with your crystal grid and it will serve you to its highest potential.

(Left) Spiral grid for abundance; (middle) overlapping circles for manifestation; (right) inner eye to access higher wisdom.

About Shoppe Geo's crystal grid offerings:

Cleanse + Elevate Crystal Grid Toolkit

The perfect introduction to crystal grids. The advent-style interactive packaging guides its user through the steps of grid making, introducing the properties and uses of 5 different types of crystals (15 crystals total). Includes a grid template, 15 genuine crystals, cotton muslin bag, and instructions for 6 different crystal grid layouts and intentions.

Love + Communication Mini Crystal Bundle


6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing

5 rose quartz: self-love + healing

4 amazonite: harmony + compassion

1 information card

1 cotton muslin bag for storage

Crystal size: 0.5”

Clarity + Focus Mini Crystal Bundle


6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing

5 sodalite: focus + inspiration

4 tiger eye: practicality + harmony

1 information card

1 cotton muslin bag for storage

Crystal size: 0.5”

The Eye of Luna Grid

The perfect introduction to crystal grids. The advent-style interactive packaging guides its user through the steps of grid making, introducing the properties and uses of 5 different types of crystals (15 crystals total). Includes a grid template, 15 genuine crystals, cotton muslin bag, and instructions for 6 different crystal grid layouts and intentions.

Abundance + Transformation Mini Crystal Bundle


6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing

5 amethyst: transformation + intuition

4 emerald quartz: abundance + compassion

1 information card

1 cotton muslin bag for storage

Crystal size: 0.5”

Grounding + Protection Mini Crystal Bundle


6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing

5 smoky quartz: protection + communication

4 black onyx: intuition + grounding

1 information card

1 cotton muslin bag for storage

Crystal size: 0.5”