say 'yes' to yourself

While new moons are typically quiet or introspective times, Leo is having none of that! The Leo new moon encourages you to say ‘yes’ to your hopes, dreams, and desires with a massive boost of confidence and inspiration.

Take this time to celebrate your potential, and appreciate all the time that you have ahead of you to accomplish your dreams – it’s never too late to become the best version of yourself.

mantras for a leo new moon

I have the power to achieve what I set my mind to.

I have the confidence to chase my dreams.

I am the creator of my own destiny.

I will manifest my dream life.

I have limitless potential.

I have all the time in the world.

new moon product spotlight:

Abundance + Transformation Crystal Bundle

Use a curated crystal bundle to enhance your crystal grid practice, or to simply expand your crystal collection. These mini crystals are the perfect size for creating crystal grids or carrying in a pocket or small bag.

Suggested uses:
• create a crystal grid using The Eye of Luna Grid
• use the properties of the crystals for manifesting
• carry in a pocket or bag to boost abundance + transformation in your life

6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing
5 amethyst: transformation + intuition
4 emerald quartz: abundance + compassion
1 information card
1 cotton muslin bag for storage

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