peace + harmony

As the moon moves into diplomatic and charismatic Libra, we will likely feel a need to seek harmony in our relationships, pacifying old qualms and soothing current disputes. 

Though you may feel a need to “people please” during this time, be sure to remind yourself your worth and maintain your standards in every interaction. While forgiveness is always positive, be cautious in handing out second chances where they aren’t warranted or deserved. 

mantras for a libra full moon

I protect my personal peace

I share my peace and positive energy with those around me

I spread love and forgiveness

I know my worth and demand respect

I appreciate the worth of those around me and treat others with respect

I am pure, bright energy

full moon product spotlight

Love + Communication Crystal Bundle

Use a curated crystal bundle to enhance your crystal grid practice, or to simply expand your crystal collection. These mini crystals are the perfect size for creating crystal grids or carrying in a pocket or small bag.

Suggested uses:

create a crystal grid using The Eye of Luna Grid

use the properties of the crystals for manifesting

carry in a pocket or bag to boost love + communication in your life


6 clear quartz: amplifying + clearing

5 rose quartz: self-love + healing

4 amazonite: harmony + compassion

1 information card

1 cotton muslin bag for storage

Crystal size: 0.5”

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