a higher-self check-in

A Sagittarius full moon is a powerful time to spend time with your higher self. Emotional and intuitive Sagittarius is always ready to explore their feelings, so let them guide your way through your own.

Introspection can be overwhelming, or even scary sometimes. Use the bright and positive energy of your crystals to ground you during your explorations – your hard work will pay off in the end, helping your mind to open and your heart to heal.

mantras for a sagittarius full moon

I do not fear the vulnerability of self-discovery

I welcome open and honest conversation with my own self

I let my higher self guide me through life’s journey

I embrace bright energy

I release energy that does not serve me

I am on a journey of self-healing and self-exploration

full moon product spotlight:

WISDOM: Cosmic Crystal Collection

Reach up to the cosmos to access dreams, wisdom, and guidance from the light of your soul. Ground the revitalizing energy into your human body through ceremony and mindfulness practices.


1 natural clear quartz point, 2″ L
4 polished stones, .75″-1″ each:
-1 lapis lazuli
-1 black onyx
-1 xiuyan jade
-1 rose quartz

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